Judo is the first martial art added to the Olympics and was included as a sport during the 1960's. It is the 2nd most
participated sport in the world. Judo tickets were the first to sell out, before any other sporting event during the Sydney
Olympic games.
Judo is an effective self defence martial art and is an ideal sport for maintaining good physical fitness.
defense skills are taught at the club and a self defence program can be tailored for your specific requirements. Self defense
skills are taught to men woman, children, and to people pursuing other sporting events to help in the areas of falling down
Our club premises is located in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. The Dojo (Judo club) has permanently laid
Judo Mats. It is close to public transport and is located centrally in the eastern suburbs.
Many of our club members have trained/competed with some of the national Judo team in preparation for the Sydney
and Athens Olympics.
The club is a small club which allows for one on one coaching. Some of our juniors participated in the Victorian State
Judo titles held in Melbourne.

Our club under eights comparing medals.
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VIC 2005 School tournament |

Australian Judo. Victorian Judo in Australia. Judo australia,
Judo Australia. Judo, Judo , Jitsu, Judo in Australia. Australian Judo. Judoaustralia.com.au, Judo.com.au. JUDO. judo, AUS
Judo. ausjudo.com.au. JVI IJF JFA
Competition Judo |

Judo Australia |

Australia Judo |
This is a picture of the founder of our Judo Club. He is pictured here teaching junior students at the Dojo located
in the Melbourne suburn of Ashwood.
Sensai Bob Todd 7th.Dan B.A. B.Ed. Level 2 N.C.A.S. Chairman J.F.A.INC.National
Grades Commission Past President AA.J.A.( 5years) Past President Judo Victoria Inc.( 5years) Vice President J.F.A Inc.(5 years)
Member Victorian Government Professional Boxing & Martial Arts Board.

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